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Discover the transformational power of chakradance from the comfort of your home!
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Reboot Your Base Chakra

I’m excited to share with you this e-course wonderful e-course that I facilitate that is all about balancing the base chakra. It’s called Reboot your Base Chakra. Feedback we have had from people who have done this course has been so wonderful. Many shared that after doing the course they felt so much more connected to their physical bodies. Many of them had a lot more energy, a lot more physical energy than they normally do. For some, it shifted their whole relationship around their diet and the food they have. Most people found that there was a change in the nature of their relationship with their bodies. So, I’m now wanting to run this course, in the hope that it can help you too. 


Normally, you would complete the course over 10 consecutive days but you could take 10 weeks & really dive deep into the materials.  You do the course at home, in your own time & space, but I am here to support you.. A lot of the practices that you’ll be learning throughout the course are practices that you’ll start to weave into your daily life - you can pick and mix different elements over the course resources & materials to suit you. 


I’ll guide you with an initial email & links to materials & further info.  I'll then be in contact with you by email over the 10 days or weeks.  I’ll be present to support you and give you any guidance and tips that I can. So, if you feel called to balance your base chakra, I would love for you to join me on this e-course.


The standard price for Reboot Your Base Chakra is £99 but for a limited time, I'm offering this for only £50, which is great value because you then have access to the materials for as long as you like.  However, if you are experiencing financial hardship, please get in touch & we can work something out.



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